30 May 2011

Eagle Spotting.

I apologize for the wordy post. But words are necessary to give meaning to this moment...

At Hall's Lake in Newbury, Vermont, on the 28th of May 2011around 4:00 pm a large bird of prey was spotted by my family as we sat on the sand. It swoop down over the water and flew to a near by pine tree. It was brown and white. And ginormous. I used to be really into birds of prey and I knew it wasn't a hawk. Knew it wasn't an osprey. Way too big to be a falcon. I thought I knew what it was, but I almost couldn't believe it. Was it really...?

For a couple minutes my family argued about what it was. Then I realized its white head was still visible up in the tree. Upon using my zoom lens my suspicions were confirmed. It was, in fact, a BALD EAGLE. 

Never before have I seen on wild. One has also never been spotted on that lake, and very few in Vermont all together. Amazingly rare.

The shots aren't the best, as my telephoto lens was far too small (135mm), but when the shots are blown up in photoshop there is no arguing that what we saw was a bald eagle. So. Beautiful. It absolutely made my day. Possibly my week.

I apologize for the noisy photos. But seeing as I will never again see a bald eagle in the wild I am not going to hesitate in posting these, though they be less than my best work.

Later I was able to get pictures of it soaring over the lake, as some smaller birds tried to chase it away to protect their young.

It was an amazing experience that I will never forget.

Here's to wild birds of prey and ALWAYS having your camera with you!

18 May 2011

I like to pretend I'm pretty hard core...

...Operative word being "pretend."

Look again.
That is a skull and cross-bones knitting needles pin.

17 May 2011

Rain, rain, rain on my face, on my face....

*Sunday I did photos for a surprise 50th Birthday Party. Outside. In the pouring rain. Interesting (and skill building) experience, to say the least.

15 May 2011

Sometimes I get so bored I shoot myself...

*sometimes no one is available to do a photoshoot with you. That leaves you with only one choice. Shoot yourself....with a camera.

12 May 2011

I see skies of blue...clouds of white...

...And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.

*shots taken on the hill from Wickam Park, looking down @ CT's capital city.

09 May 2011

OUTLOUD 2011- a deep worship conference

The OUTLOUD worship conference took place at my church, Church of the Living God, May 6th-7th. 20 churches in the New England region gathered together and worshiped in the presence of God, as well as participated in teachings and workshops. It was an amazing time.

All of these pictures were taken by me on Saturday May 7th.

08 May 2011


*shot from a worship conference my church hosted these past couple of days. More pictures of that to come!