04 April 2011

a study in {RUST}

 i like rusted things.


LuckyNo27 said...

I am SUPER impressed that you managed to post this on April 4... seeing that it's only April 1 today. April Fools perhaps? :)

Isabella Kiss said...

no, malfunction of scheduled posting...didn't feel like deleting the post and making it all over again. I didn't think anyone would notice the error. Points to you for being so observant AND the first person to comment on my new blog!

Ellie said...

rusted beauty. it's amazing how much awesomeness there really is in rusted equipment! you miss it if you don't look closely! I love how you take pictures! you definitely captured detail not always noticed!

SL Burlhis said...

I'm not just saying to be obnoxious, but what if you did a study in sparkly things? I feel like it would be texturally interesting, and provide and jarring (in a good way) juxtapose to this study.

...Maybe I'm just trying to live through you because I don't do photography...

Either way, I like this one. I'm very interested in seeing where you take this idea.

Isabella Kiss said...

how about i do a study of you. and you wear sparkly things?
*and i misspelled sparkly the first and second time. that is how foreign this is to me. :p*